
I am committed to working as a transpersonal psychotherapist, workshop facilitator and trainer to the best of my potential. I have been working in the field of therapy and education with adults and children for over 30 years. At the heart of my practice I am focused on building a safe and secure therapeutic relationship, based on Carl Rogers core conditions of empathy, congruence, unconditional positive regard and compassion.
I studied B.Ed.Hons. Early Years at University of Kingston, Humanistic psychotherapy at University of Roehampton, M.A. in somatic and expressive arts psychotherapy at University of Chichester, specialising in supporting cancer patients through the arts. I have a deep passion for the life and work of Carl Jung inspired through my PhD. studies at University of Essex, where I focused on the world of children's sleep dreams and social dreaming. 
My three-year training in Shamanic practices with Jez Hughes at Second Sight Initiatives, enhances my transpersonal perspective, practice with clients, and my unique approach to encouraging the natural innate flow of creativity within everyone. 
I am accredited and registered with UKAHPP, UKCP and am a BUPA approved psychotherapist.

I have a registered PAT therapy dog called Poppy who often helps clients regulate emotionally. 
I run Saturday day workshops on ‘painting your soul awake, adapted from the work of Aviva Gold, Natalie Rogers and the archetypal symbolic psychology of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell.